
Изменения в уровне жизни населения Бурятии (Россия), Монголии и Внутренней Монголии (Китай) в конце XX – начале XXI вв. Изменения в уровне жизни населения Бурятии (Россия), Монголии и Внутренней Монголии (Китай) в конце XX – начале XXI вв.

Grayvoronsky Vladimir

Changes in the Social Standard of Living in Buryatia (Russia), Mongolia and Inner Mongolia (China) at the End of 20 – Beg. of 21 Cent.

Еditor: Kruchkin Yuriy

Улан-Батор, 2013, 284 p.

The book contains the comparative analysis of the big changes which happened in socio-economic development, level and quality of life in Mongolia and some neighboring subjects of Russia (Republic of Buryatia) and China (Autonomous region of Inner Mongolia). They took place in the course of reforming uniform socialist model of development by different ways and methods (“shocking therapy” and “gradualist approach”) since the end of 1970s till the beg. of 2010s. The comparisons are made by such key indicators as the growth dynamics of G.D.P., per capita income and expenses of the population, consumption of food and non-food products, living conditions, the problem of poverty, human potential standards, etc.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Изменения в уровне жизни населения Бурятии (Россия), Монголии и Внутренней Монголии (Китай) в конце XX – начале XXI вв.