Aristova Lyudmila, Lifan` Li, Sergej Luzyanin, Dave`j Pan, Semenova Nelli, Yunsyan Sun`, Tomberg Igor, Czzyan`zhun Chzhan, Yujli Yan
Potential and Prospects of Collaboration Between People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation in the Sphere of Traditional and Non-conventional Energy
General Editor: Dave`j Pan, Tomberg Igor
Еditor: Sergej Luzyanin
Compilator: Semenova Nelli
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Москва, 2014, 254 p.
This book (consolidated analytical report) explores the key parameters of the Chinese and Russian energy models, as well as opportunities, problems and prospects of Russian-Chinese energy cooperation, including cooperation in the field of traditional and alternative energy. Leading Russian and Chinese scientists and experts represent their approaches, views, evaluations and conclusions. They also give practical recommendations to improve the effectiveness of mutual cooperation. All these researchers are well-known specialists in the field of international energy and Russian-Chinese strategic partnership and interaction. The Supplement includes maps, diagrams, graphics, and tables.
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Потенциал и перспектива сотрудничества КНР и РФ в области традиционной и нетрадиционной энергии