
Османское завоевание арабских стран (1516 – 1574) [на тур. яз] Османское завоевание арабских стран (1516 – 1574) [на тур. яз]

Ivanov Nicolay

The Osman Conquest of Arabic Countries. 1516 – 1574 [in Turkish]

Ankara (Турция), 2013, 322 p.

This edition is the Turkish language translation of the book by Nicolay Ivanov, published in Russia in 2001 (2nd enlarged ed.). The author is a famous Russian historian of Oriental countries He was one of the distinguished scientists of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. The monograph studies such questions as the political history of the Arabic countries during Renaissance, internal and external prerequisites for the creation of the Osman Empire, and the role of the Osman Empire as a leader of the Arab peoples in their fight against foreign enslavement. On the basis of the wide data material the author tells about the fall of the Mameluke Empire and post-Al Mohad states in the North of Africa, their step-by-step joining the Osman Empire.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Османское завоевание арабских стран (1516 – 1574) [на тур. яз]