
Рукописи и литографированные издания произведений Алишера Навои в московских собраниях Рукописи и литографированные издания произведений Алишера Навои в московских собраниях

Zaitsev Ilya

Manuscripts and Lithographic Publications of the Works by Ali-Shir Nava’i in Moscow Collections

Compilator: Zaitsev Ilya

Москва, 2016, 208 p.

This catalogue is published on the occasion of 575th anniversary of the classic of Uzbek literature Ali-Shir Nava’i. The catalogue represents the manuscripts and lithographic publications of his works stored in Moscow collections. The Moscow library and museum collections have 14 manuscripts of 18 – 19 cent. and 12 lithographic publications of 19 – early 20 cent. Moscow lists of the great poet’s works have not been studied formerly. The Supplement contains the selected poems by Ali-Shir Nava’i.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Рукописи и литографированные издания произведений Алишера Навои в московских собраниях