
Newsletter of Oriental Society. Issue 13. HUNGARO–RUSSICA III : History and Culture of Eurasian Steppe. The Third Collection of Articles of Russian and Hungari-an Orientalists

Еditor: Vasilyev Dmitri
Compilator: Vasilyev Dmitri

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 173 p.

This issue of the Newsletter No 13 includes the articles by Hungarian and Russian orientalists, submitted after holding VI International conference “Historical sources of Eurasian and North African civilisations” (Adygei Republic, Maikop, 3–6 October 2005). Some papers by the participants of Russian-Hungarian symposium that took place within the frames of Ethno-archaeological exhibition in Budapest in 1995 (“Eastern sources of Hungarian culture” – head of the exhibition – D.D. Vasilyev) – are also published in this book. The theme of the issue is material culture of mediaeval nomads of Eurasia. The articles are presented in Russian, English and German languages. The Newsletter “Hungaro-Russica” starts to publish bio-bibliographic essays about prominent modern orientalists of Hungary and Russia. This book includes the biography and bibliography of a famous Hungarian orientologist Geza Feher (1917–2005).

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Бюллетень Общества востоковедов. Вып. 13. HUNGARO–RUSSICA III : история и культура Евразий-ской степи. 3-й сборник статей российских и венгерских востоковедов