ByzantinoCaucasica. Выпуск 2
Москва, 2022, 280 p.
The second issue of the collection presents the works of Byzantinists and Kavkazologists devoted to the issues of Byzantine source studies, the history of Byzantine-Georgian relations and the spread of Christianity in the North Caucasus. A significant block of articles is devoted to the analysis of monuments of medieval fortification, Christian architecture and archeology in the Caucasus, the works of the final part of the collection present a new look at the problems of numismatics, cultural and political genesis among the population of the North-Western Caucasus and Central Pre-Caucasus of the 14th– 16thcenturies. in the conditions of rivalry, interaction and conflicts of the world powers: the Byzantine Empire, the Golden Horde, the Mamluk Sultanate, the Ottoman Empire. The issues of understanding Russian-Caucasian relations in Western Europe are touched upon.
Vinogradov А. Yu. Origo gentis the Old Rusian and Georgian Chronicles...7
Evdokimova А. А. Accentuation systems in Greek inscriptions with repeated text in Georgia and other Byzantine regions...41
Stepanenko V. P. To the exile to Constantinopole of Zacharias, bishop of Valarshakert...55
Kosourov D. A. To the Questions of the Localization of the Kouratorikion “Inner Iberia”...61
Skakova I. V., Skakov A. Yu., Dzhopua A. I. Early Medieval temple in Gienos (Republic of Abkhazia): Results of the works of 2022...69
Flyorov V. S. The Problem of the Inner wall on the right-bank Tsymlyansk fortress. A Failed discovery...111
Endoltseva E. Yu. Braided ribbon ornament in Caucasus in the period of Macedonian dynasty: origins and meaning of the motif (example of architectural decoration)...131
Chkhaidze V. N. Small Christian plastic objects from excavations in the Northern Zelenchuk Church (1867)...159
Narozhny E. I. On the history of Christianization of the Medieval population of the Eastern Pridaryale...175
Druzhinina I. A. Mamluks in the North Caucasus in the 14th – early 16th c....201
Kabardov I. B. Influence of the Mamluk Sultanate of Burji on the genesis of Kabarda political elite: setting a scientific problem...233
Goncharov E. Yu., Chkhaidze V. N. Coins from the excavations of the necropolis at the Church of John the Baptist in Kerch (1971)...247
Khrapunov N. I. On the history of a painting by William Allan: the Caucasus and its residents through the eyes of the early 19th c. europeans...257
Chkhaidze V. N., Druzhinina I. A. The work of the Center for Byzantine-Caucasian Studies in 2021–2022...271
List of abbreviations...275
Information about the authors...276
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: ByzantinoCaucasica. Выпуск 2