
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.: 8 Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.: 8

Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 8

Пакистан: история и современные проблемы

Еditor: Kamenev Sergey
Editorial Board: Serenko Irina, Mariya Xajczeva

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2018, 408 p.


Preface.... 11
Words of Greetings of H. E. Qazi M. Khalilullah, Ambassador
of Pakistan in the Russian Federation on the Occasion of 70 Years
of Pakistan Independence......14
Natalia Melekhina. Russia and Pakistan: Common Interest &
Perspectives of Bilateral Relations...... 19
Sehar Kamran (Пакистан). Pakistan-Russia
Relations: An Overview...... 32
Rana Athar Javed (Пакистан). Overview of 70 years
of relationship between Russia and Pakistan..... 55
Tatiana Shaumian. Russia-Pakistan-China: Network
Diplomacy in Action..... 69
Irina Serenko. Russia-Pakistan: Evolution of Scientific
and Cultural Dialogue ..... 77
Sergey Kamenev. History of Pakistan Economic Development
in XXth Century. Part I.... 91
Sergey Kamenev. History of Pakistan Economic Development
in XXIst Century. Part II...... 126
Viacheslav Belokrenitsky. The Contemporary Stage
of Urbanization in Pakistan: Special Features & Challenges..... 149
Natalia Zamaraeva. Pakistani-Afghan Relations in Regional
Transformation (2016-2017)..... 170
Boris Volkhonsky. Prospects and Challenges Arising
from the Accession of India and Pakistan to SCO..... 195
Svetlana Volkova. Main Directions of Foreign Economic
Cooperation of Turkey and Pakistan at Present Stage.... 212
Valery Kashin. Pakistan, India and Cross-border Terrorism..... 232
Irina Fedorova. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
Challenges and Opportunities..... 245
Ruslan Prokhorov. Ecological Problems
in China-Pakistan Relations.... 255
Natalia Zamaraeva. Reforms in Federal Administrated
Tribal Area..... 267
Irina Serenko. Formation and Development of the National
Education System in Pakistan (1947-2017).... 290
Anna Suvorova. Malala Yousafzai: Her Life Before and After
the Nobel Peace Prize.....305
Maria Khaytseva. Peculiarities of Personal Socializing Process
in Family-Community social structure of Pakistan.....320
Marina Kameneva. Language Factor
in the Constitutional Law of Pakistan and Iran.....348
Walid Iqbal (Pakistan). Nature and Values of M. Iqbal`s
Ideal Society.... 364
Tatiana Zagorodnikova. The Brothers Suhrawardy and Russia....374
Yuri Tolmachev. Kashmir Issue in the Context
of Diplomatic Interaction Between China, India and Pakistan
in 1950s and Early 1960s..... 394

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.: 8