
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 24 Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 24
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 24 Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 24

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. Issue 24

Russian Indology and Modern Times India

Еditor: Tatyana Zagorodnikova

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2019, 236 p.

The Proceedings of the conference held by the Centre for Indian Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, named “Russian Indology and Modern Times India” have been published as part of the project “India: Prospects of Contemporary Evolution” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies. The anniversary provided the ground for looking back, turning to historiography and remembering the deceased indologists. The book opens with Dr Kashin’s romantic reminiscences about the first book on Indian Studies he came across, which outlined his further life. The articles can be divided into two parts: the articles dedicated to certain issues of Indian Studies, including the research of community and agrarian policies, the studies of contemporary literatures of India and the history of Andaman islands colonization. The second part contains the portraits of the researchers. Here one can find a portrait of G. K. Mikhailov, a music expert and composer, one of the founders of musical indology. One of the first Russian indologists A. M. Dyakov is the hero of the second article describing his early days and the beginning of his professional career. The author of the third article speculates over the contribution of Kaluga researcher V. F. Ageev into the study of contemporary Sind history. The volume ends with the article about cooperation between Moscow and Tashkent indologists expressing the hope for its revival. The book illustrates different facets of Indian Studies in Russia, the past and present. The authors of the articles are working in different educational and scientific institutions of Moscow, Lipetsk, Saratov and Tashkent.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 24