
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 23 Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 23

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. Issue 26

Tibetology and Buddhology at the intersection of science and religion-2018

Еditor: Kuzmin Sergius, Shaumyan Tatiana

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2019, 309 p.

The volume consists of the papers prepared by the materials of international conference held at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences in October 30–31, 2018. The articles are devoted to different issues of Buddhology, Tibetology and Buddhism in their interaction with education and science, history of Tibet, social and economic situation there, culture of the Tibetans, as well as to Tibet– Mongolia and Tibet–Russia relations.


Foreword ...11
Telo Tulku Rinpoche. On the restoration of religious relations between Russia, Mongolia and Tibet after the collapse of the USSR ...14
S.S. Averianov. Ethnic and cultural peculiarities of the Kangchenjunga region in Eastern Nepal ...20
M.K. Aubakirov. The methods of Buddhist pedagogy in modern education ...25
A.A. Bazarov. Social and archeographic expeditions of the Institute of Mongolian and Buddhist Studies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2002 – 2014: Tibetan book as a sacral object ...30
E.P. Bakaeva. The Buddhism of Kalmyks and Oirats: rituals of offerings to the ancestral spirits and the spirits — masters of the territories (some aspects) ...39
O. Batsaikhan. Buddhism in restoration of the independence of Mongolia: The 8th Bogdo Javzandamba Khutuktu as the leader and father of the Mongolian national revolution of 1911 ...67
O.P. Guttenlocher. Natural human development as a principle of Buddhist science and philosophy ...87
T. Desal. History, memory and resistance: historical evaluation of the 70,000 Character Petition ...92
H. Jigme. Three cycles of the secret initiations and special relation on its basis between Tibet and Mongolia ...114
Yu.I. Drobyshev. Aglag buteeliin khiid as an example of modern Buddhist landscape architecture of Mongolia ...126
B.U. Kitinov. Graduates of the Drepung Monastery as first leaders of the Kalmyk Sangha (last third of the 17th — first half of the 18th centuries) ...135
S.L. Kuzmin. Th.I. Stcherbatsky’s materials on the causes of escape of the 13th Dalai Lama to India in 1910 ...142
S.Yu. Lepekhov. A comparative analysis of the secular ethics of the 14th Dalai Lama and the rational ethics of Derek Parfit ...172
E.S. Lepekhova. The classification of Buddhist doctrines in Tendai school and the theory of moral development of Lawrence Kohlberg ...189
Liu Qiang. Religion in the Qing-Jungar relations ...201
A.G. Lyulina. The 6th Panchen Lama (1738–1780) and his contribution to the development of Tibet’s foreign relations ...207
B.L. Mitruev. State of study of Buddhism in Kalmykia ...217
R.T. Sabirov. Contribution of lay Buddhists to the spread of Buddhism in Russia ...224
I.B. Spektor. Buddhist community in Delhi: problems of the autonomous community in the modern megapolis ...235
S.-Kh.D. Syrtypova. Buddhism and chess in Mongolia: forms and philosophy ...244
K. Tenzin. Bilingual education policy in Tibet ...254
A.A. Terentyev. On almost forgotted life-time publication by Th.I. Stcherbatsky ...260
T.L. Shaumyan. The Tibetan Question in Anglo-Russian negotiation of 1906-1907 ...271
A.M. Shustova. Dialogue of the Dalai Lama with Russian scientists: how to spiritualize science ...292

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 23