
Хосров I Ануширван (531–579), его эпоха и его жизнеописание и поучение в истории Мискавейха Хосров I Ануширван (531–579), его эпоха и его жизнеописание и поучение в истории Мискавейха

Mishin Dmitry

Khosrau I Anushirvan (531 – 579), his Epoch and his Life History and Homily in the History of Miskawayh

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2014, 696 p.

The research is devoted to the rule history of Sasanian Tsar of Iran Khosrou I Anushirvan (531 – 579) and two relatively less-investigated sources on it ascribed to the monarch himself – “Life History” and “Homily” which were found in the works of Muslim writers: Miskawayh (died in 1030) and An-Nuvajri (died in 1332/33). On the basis of comparative analysis of the sources the author reconstructs historical reality of Khosrau rule. The findings pose the questions: do these sources concern this Tsar and can they be considered authentic?

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Хосров I Ануширван (531–579), его эпоха и его жизнеописание и поучение в истории Мискавейха