
Исторические, культурные, межнациональные и религиозные связи Крыма с Сирией и государствами Ближнего Востока Исторические, культурные, межнациональные и религиозные связи Крыма с Сирией и государствами Ближнего Востока

Исторические, культурные, межнациональные и религиозные связи Крыма с Сирией и государствами Ближнего Востока

Compilator: Vasilyev Aleksandr, Nataliya Gin`kut, Lebedinski Victor

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2017, 188 p.


A bduram anova S.N, Dneprovsky V.N, Moiseev D.A.
On the Question of the Semantic Fullness of Graffiti
Depicting a Ship on Medieval Objects of Civil
and Sacral Architecture of the South-Western Crimea ..113
Avtushenko M.N. On the Purposes and Tasks
of the Konstantinovsky Sea Expedition...114
B arykina I.E. Imperial Function of Passports in Crimea
(Passport Control as a Tool of Freedom of Movement
of the Population in the Crimea, and from the Crimea
in XVIII-XIX Centuries) ....115
Belik Yu.L. Features of Fortification Forms
of the Ottoman Fortresses of Azov-Black Sea B asin.... 117
Bukatov A.A., Dyuzhenko T.V. Trade Relations
of Kherson in the 13th- 14th Centuries, According
to the Materials of Underwater
Archaeological Research.... 119
Chum achenko T.A. The Relationship Between
the Russian Orthodox Church and the Local Orthodox
Chinches of the Middle East in the Second Half
of the Twentieth Century..... 120
Duiina N.V., Naumov I.N., Sharapov D.Yu.
Monuments of the Crimean Ulus of the Golden Horde
as Objects of Cognitive Tourism....122
G inkut N.V. Some Types of Syrian and Iranian
Ceramics of XII-XIV Centuries from the Excavations
of Chersonesos..... 124
G inkut N.V. Coffee and Tobacco as a Reflection
of Cultural Processes in the late XVIII — early XIX
Centuries in the Crimea (According to Archaeological
and Ethnographic Data)....126
Goncharov E.Yu. Middle East and Crimea
XII-XV Centuries: Contacts According to Numismatics. .128
Huseyn F arah Adii gizi. The Ottoman-Safavid War
(1578-1590) and the Crimean Khanate....129
Ushakov S.V, Chersonese, Asia Minor and Middle East
at the Turn of the Epochs (IV-VI centuries):
on Materials of Amphora Packets
and Red Lacquer Ceramics.....176
Vakhoneev V.V., Loseva A.A. The Shipwrecks’
Archaeology: from the Historiography
of the Crimean Trading Relations in the Middle Ages....178
Vakulova T.V., Pikalov Yu.N. Reunion:
Historical Parallels....180
Vasilyev A.D. Ottoman «Izn-i Sefine» Defters
as a Source On the History of Trade of Crimea
with Asia Minor And the Mediterranean
at the End of the XVIII—XIX cc...181
Vasilyev D.D. Photographs of the Monuments
of Crimea, Made by Russian Orientalists,
as a Historical Source... 182
Yailenko V.P. The Origin of the Ancient Name
of the Crimea: Taurina....183
Zavadskaya I.A. About the Origin
of the Early Christian Paintings
in the Tombs of Chersonesos.... 185
Zelenko S. Medieval Commercial Contacts of Crimea
with NearEastern Countries (a Shipwreck
of the 13th Century AD in the Bay of Sudak)...187

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Исторические, культурные, межнациональные и религиозные связи Крыма с Сирией и государствами Ближнего Востока