Non-military threats to global security and stability of international relations
Еditor: Plotnikov Nikolay
Reviewer: Zakharov Valery
Москва, 2020, 38 p.
The results of field researches conducted by employees of the Center for Scientificand Analytical Information of the Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (CSAI IOS RAS)in North Africa and Middle East region demonstrate that the state of international security and stability of international relations is increasingly affected by non-military threats. Not all of them are mentioned in this brochure. The current situation in the world aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic gives rise to many people's feelings of deprivation, unfair distribution of income and wealth within society, and exclusion from participation in society. The current waves of protest around the world, the spread of right-wing views and the growth of nationalism are the result of the collapse of liberalism ideas. The life of the rich on display, corruption in government bodies, and the impunity of the criminal world’s representatives provoke anger in society, distrust of the authorities, anarchy, and disregard for the law.
In the near future, the world may face a slowdown in economic growth, chaos in international relations and the foreign exchange market, and the emergence of new hotbeds of tension. Fear breeds suspicion and distrust. Since time immemorial, violence, including the use of weapons, has been the most radical way to solve accumulating problems. With modern means of destruction, this will mean one thing - a universal catastrophe.
In today's world, everything is closely interconnected. No state, even such economic giants as the United States and China, is able to face the existing non-military threats alone. This was clearly shown by the COVID-19 pandemic.
First of all, it is necessary to solve food and water problems, conduct a targeted fight against poverty, and solve environmental problems. We need to restore people's faith in the state and the right to vote. This will reduce the level of radicalization in poor countries and stabilize the migration situation in the world, which will reduce the mobilization base of terrorist structures. We need to urgently agree on what to do and establish common rules of living within each country, between political blocs and unions, and in the entire world community. State structures, business communities, scientists, NGOs, and civil society should have their word in this.