
Разговор с Мариной и Олегом Плешовыми: политические символы и реалии Южной Азии Разговор с Мариной и Олегом Плешовыми: политические символы и реалии Южной Азии

Dialogue with Marina and Oleg Pleshov: Political Symbols and Realia of South Asia

Еditor: Vanina Eugenia, Sidorova Svetlana, Aleksandr Ustenko

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2010, 690 p.

This book is a memorial volume dedicated to Marina and Oleg Pleshov, reputed Russian specialists on South Asia. It begins, under the rubric title “Let’s remember”, with a series of brief sketches on them by their colleagues and friends, followed by the list of research works by Marina and Oleg. The main segment of the volume, titled “Let’s talk”, discusses various problems of South Asian History and modernity in the form of dialogue with the deceased colleagues.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Разговор с Мариной и Олегом Плешовыми: политические символы и реалии Южной Азии