
История новой японской поэзии. в очерках и литературных портретах. T. 3 История новой японской поэзии. в очерках и литературных портретах. T. 3

Dolin Alexander

The Fading Golden Age of Japanese Poetry

Akita, 2016, 497 p.

The final third volume of the popular History of New Japanese Poetry introduces the reader to the fascinating world of tanka and haiku tracing the main trends and schools in the traditional genres since the Meiji Restoration. The best poetic works and theoretical writings by Masaoka Shiki, Ito Sachio, Saito Mokichi, Yosano Tekkan, Yosano Akiko, Ishikawa Takuboku, Natsume Soseki, Naito Meisetsu, Takahama Kyoshi, Kawahigashi Hekigoto, Ozski Hosai, Taneda Santoka, Mizuhara Shuoshi and many other renowned poets of the late XIX-early XX cc. are given thorough analyses in the special essays. The text is richly illustrated with portraits of the poets and the lithographs by early modern artists.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: История новой японской поэзии. в очерках и литературных портретах. T. 3