
Russian-Israeli Relations : History and Present Day. Collection of Articles

Еditor: Karasova Tatiana
Editor: Maryasis Dmitriy

Москва, 2012, 279 p.

This collection of articles is based on materials of the International conference “Russia – Israel: 20 Years of Re-established Diplomatic Relations”, held on 24 – 25 October 2011 in Moscow. The book includes the articles by leading scientists and experts devoted to a wide range of the problems concerning Russian-Israeli relations. Great attention is also paid to the analysis of Russia’s reaction to the events of “Arab springs” and political processes in Palestinian administration. Positions of Russia and Israel on the problems of unsettled Palestinian-Israeli conflict are considered. The book is of use for orientologists, historians, political analysts, students studying the modern Middle East, as well as for al those who are interested in the history of the State of Israel.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Российско-израильские отношения : история и современность. Сб. статей