
Крах монархии в Китае Крах монархии в Китае
Крах монархии в Китае Крах монархии в Китае

Chudodeyev Yu.

The collapse of the monarchy in China

Еditor: Nepomnin Nepomnin

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Москва, 2013, 392 p.

The book is devoted to understanding one of the most significant events of the past century - the collapse in 1911 - 1912 monarchical regime in China which had existed for more than two millenniums (from 221 B.C.). The author traces in his work the change of ruling dynasties in the state, processes of formation on Chinese territory of one after another imperial powers, as well as creation of different trends of antimonarchical opposition, and, at last, specifics of revolutionary development which led to overthrowing alien (Manchurian) rulers. The publishing of the book is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 2011 – 2012 and the proclamation of republican regime in China. Popular scientific style of narration is meant for a wide readership, including lecturers of the humanitarian institutions, postgraduates, students and those who are interested in history.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Крах монархии в Китае