
Арабы. Историко-этнографические очерки Арабы. Историко-этнографические очерки

Bibikova Olga

The Arabs. Historical and Ethno-graphic Essays


Москва, 2008, 444 p.

The researcher analyses different aspects of life of the Middle East and Maghrib people, formation of customs and stereotypes of their behaviour against historical background. The monograph features the life of urban and rural population, and Bedouins, peculiarities of their domestic culture, tra-ditional handicrafts, and methods of house keeping. The Ar-abs gave the World great warriors, scientists and poets. This people settled on the territory which had been since long time populated by dozens of tribes. The existence of many of the-se tribes can be judged by modern science only on the basis of archaeological data. O.P. Bibikova – a well-known Russian orientologist, answers in her fascinating historical and ethno-graphic essays to a lot of questions, some of them are as fol-lows:
– How did dynamic history of the Middle East influence culture, religion and economy of the Arabs?
– What kind of wonderful ancient traditions have they car-ried through the centuries?
– In what way have they preserved their national self-identification?

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