
Александра Петровна Ким-Станкевич. Очерки, документы и материалы Александра Петровна Ким-Станкевич. Очерки, документы и материалы

Александра Петровна Ким-Станкевич. Очерки, документы и материалы

Еditor: Yurij Vanin
Compilator: Boris Pak, Pak Bella

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 240 p.

The book is devoted to the life and activity of the first Korean revolutionary-internationalist A.P. Kim-Stankevich (1885–1918), who was shot by White Guards in 1918. She was the first Korean woman who became a member of Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party (Bolsheviks), a member of political bureau of Khabarovsk Bolshevik committee and people’s commissar of Khabarovsk Soviet of foreign affairs. The memoirs of her comrades and other materials which were found in Russian Archives are published in this book. It also includes scientific researches, biographic essays and letters which contain little-known facts about life and activity of A.P. Kim-Stankevich.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Александра Петровна Ким-Станкевич. Очерки, документы и материалы