
Al-Bagdadi ‘Abd Al-Latif

Description of Egypt in the beg. of 13th Cent. The Book of Notification and Consideration of Cases Seen and Events Witnessed in the Land of Egypt. 2nd ed., impoved and enlarged.

Translator: Naumkin Vitaly, Andrej Nedveczkij

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2013, 312 p.

This is the first translation into Russian of travel notes by outstanding mediaeval Arab scientist ‘Abd Al-Latif Al-Bagdadi, who visited Egypt in the beginning of 13th cent. He depicted in detail places of interest in Egypt, people’s way of life, their occupations (including artificial breeding of poultry which was unique at that time), as well as terrifying scenes of starvation inflicted on the country in that epoch. Russian translation is made from original manuscript, facsimile of each page is given too. The book is one of the most prominent mediaeval works of Arabic geographical literature.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Описание Египта начала XIII века. Книга уведомления и рассмотрения дел виденных и событий засвидетельствованных на земле Египта. 2-е изд., испр. и доп.