
Ученые записки Центра арабских и исламских исследований Ученые записки Центра арабских и исламских исследований

Transactions of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies

General Editor: Naumkin Vitaly
Еditor: Yakovlev Alexander

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2015, 260 p.

Again resumed edition of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies is intended for publication of latest and historical materials of various kinds (analytical articles, comments and notes on current events) related to the problems investigated by the Center. This issue includes the articles by scientists of the Center devoted to the historical and religious problems, current events in the Arab world in the spheres of politics, economy and social life. The book consists of the following parts: “History and Culture”, “Politics”, “Economy”. All published materials reflect only the author’s point of view.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Ученые записки Центра арабских и исламских исследований