
Между двух империй : Российские мусульмане-тюрки. Между двух империй : Российские мусульмане-тюрки.
Между двух империй : Российские мусульмане-тюрки. Между двух империй : Российские мусульмане-тюрки.

Sibgatullina Alfina

Between Two Empires : Russian Muslims-Turkic Peoples.

Стамбул, 2014, 296 p.

In Turkish.

This monograph is a translation from the Russian language of the book “Relationships Between the Turkic-Muslims of the Russian and Ottoman Empires at the Turn of XX Cent.” (Moscow, 2010). The first part of the study examines the organization conditions of the Muslim pilgrimage from Russia to Hijaz: routes, quarantines and epidemics, the main problems connected with staying on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, relations between the Muslims and Turkish religious leaders, Sufi sheikhs and government officials. The second part of the monograph is devoted to the arrival of the Ottoman intellectuals in Russia, who set out to examine the economic, cultural and educational situation of the Muslims in the Volga region. The First World War was a great ordeal for Russian Muslims: remaining faithful to the Russian Empire, they nevertheless rendered assistance to the Ottoman prisoners of war in Russia. Relying on the memoirs of the Turkish officers, who were in Russian captivity, the author examines their view of Russia as a whole, and of the state of the Tatars-Muslims in particular.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Между двух империй : Российские мусульмане-тюрки.