
Библиография Государства Кувейт. Ч. 2 Библиография Государства Кувейт. Ч. 2
Библиография Государства Кувейт. Ч. 2 Библиография Государства Кувейт. Ч. 2

Evdokimov Yuriy

Bibliography of the State of Kuwait. Part 2

Еditor: Seyranyan Bagrat

Москва, 2015, 446 p.

Kuwait is the Arab state situated in the North-Eastern part of Arabian Peninsula. For a long time it was on the periphery of world history. The discovery of oil (about 10 percent of the world’s proven reserves) has brought the country to the centre of intensive rivalry of interests of regional and world powers, and transnational corporations. Oil revenues have allowed the country to achieve substantial growth in gross domestic product per capita (9th in the world). State of Kuwait having a small territory (17.8 thousand sq. km) and thin population (3.065 million inhabitants in July 2011) has begun to occupy much more important place on the world arena in recent decades. Increased attention to the country and the region led to the growth of scientific and popular publications in the West and East in all branches of knowledge. Part 2 includes three chapters: VIII. Economy; IX. State. Jurisprudence; X. Culture. The work is supplied with Name Index. Bibliographical descriptions of the books are arranged in alphabetical order. For all foreign publications, irrespective of original language, the author uses the main generally accepted unified terms and abbreviations in Latin and English. Transliteration of Arabic names is given on the basis of Latin letters, letter combinations and rules taken from Leiden publication of “Encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition”.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Библиография Государства Кувейт. Ч. 2