
Каноны конфуцианства и школы имен : в 2 кн. Кн. 2. «Дэн Си-цзы» как логико-гносеологическое произведение : пер. и исслед. Каноны конфуцианства и школы имен : в 2 кн. Кн. 2. «Дэн Си-цзы» как логико-гносеологическое произведение : пер. и исслед.

Spirin Vladimir

Canons of Confucianism and School of Names : in 2 Books. Book 2. Deng Xi Zi” as Logical and Gnoseological Creation : Translation and Research.

Еditor: Kobzev Artem

Москва, 2014, 325 p.

The book by the most picturesque Russian sinologist V.S. Spirin (1929 – 2002), is the first one not only in Russia but also in the West. It is devoted to translation and analysis of the famous treatise “Deng Xi Zi” which is considered to be fundamental in classical “School of Names” (“Mingjiā”) of ancient Chinese philosophy. Pioneer structural method of the scientist allowed him and his followers to reveal unknown before forms of putting in order hieroglyphic text. Analysing concrete little-investigated text, he demonstrated the variety of logical gnoseological methodology of ancient Chinese thinkers the existence of which was traditionally doubtful. The principles of ancient Chinese text structure discovered by V.S. Spirin became the foundation for a new scientific trend in sinology.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Каноны конфуцианства и школы имен : в 2 кн. Кн. 2. «Дэн Си-цзы» как логико-гносеологическое произведение : пер. и исслед.