
Сравнительная культурология : в поисках точки отсчета. Научные сообщения Отдела сравнительного культуроведения Института востоковедения РАН Сравнительная культурология : в поисках точки отсчета. Научные сообщения Отдела сравнительного культуроведения Института востоковедения РАН

Comparative Culturology : In Search of a Starting Point. Scientific Pa-pers of the Department of Comparative Culturology of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

Еditor: Kutsenkov Petr
Compilator: Kutsenkov Petr

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2013, 180 p.

This book represents the collected articles based on the reports read during the seminar held in the Department of Comparative Culturology in 2010. The subjects of the authors differ greatly: from sacral nature of power up to some little-known pages of the biography of Michael Bulgakov and from creativity of francophone writers in Maghreb up to problems of a history of occurrence of writing. The idea of the seminar has arisen during discussions on general problems of culturology: it was found out, in particular, that, operating with categories of the disciplines (history, literary criticism, art history) and remain-ing within the frame of these, rigidly enough outlined frameworks, it was really difficult for us to compare investigated culture. There are two reasons: first, an accessory of participants of a seminar to different spheres of humani-tarian knowledge; second, their regional dissociation. The seminar was in-tended to promote a unified approach to the studied cultures.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Сравнительная культурология : в поисках точки отсчета. Научные сообщения Отдела сравнительного культуроведения Института востоковедения РАН