
Технологии политического маркетинга в России и Турции Технологии политического маркетинга в России и Турции

Il`shat Saetov

Технологии политического маркетинга в России и Турции

Еditor: Ul'chenko Nataliya

Москва, 2017, 216 p.

The book reveals the main points of political marketing technologies. Readers are introduced to the world history and theoretical approaches to the studies of political technologies. The author suggests his own original classification of the electoral marketing technologies. Besides, the significant part of the work is devoted to the examination of
specific technologies on the example of electoral campaigns in Russia and Turkey. The differences between the conditions of rallying campaigns in these countries are investigated. The political marketing of the Turkish Justice and Development Party iş examined in separate chapter.
This research is based on integrated approach and may be of interest for political scientists, dealing with elections, and researchers of Turkish internal politics.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Технологии политического маркетинга в России и Турции