
Духовная культура Китая: энциклопедия: в 5 т. Т.3. Литература. Язык и письменность Духовная культура Китая: энциклопедия: в 5 т. Т.3. Литература. Язык и письменность

Spiritual Culture of China: Encyclopedia: 5 v. V.3. Literature. Language and writing

Editor-in-chief: Titarenko Mikhail
Editor: Svetlana Anikeeva, Ol`ga Zav`yalova, Kobzev Artem, Kravtsova Marina, Anatolij Luk`yanov, Vladislav Sorokin, Titarenko Mikhail

Москва, 2008, 855 p.

Each volume of the encyclopedia is divided into three sections: general, containing articles and essays on the main topics; vocabulary, consisting of alphabetically arranged entries on the basic terms, personalities and works; reference, which includes pointers terms, names, place names, products, and maps and chronological tables.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Духовная культура Китая: энциклопедия: в 5 т. Т.3. Литература. Язык и письменность