
«Великое учение» и учения великих конфуцианцев «Великое учение» и учения великих конфуцианцев

Kobzev Artem

“Great Learning” and the teachings of the great Confucians

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Москва, 2011, 105 p.

The monograph is devoted to the history of the study and translation of “Da Xue” (“The Great Learning”) – one of the most important Confucian canon, which is part of all Confucian collections of canons. The book examines the most important concepts of “Da Xue” and analyzes its interpretations by the great neoconfucians, such as Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: «Великое учение» и учения великих конфуцианцев