
Заметки о военно-техническом сотрудничестве Китая с СССР и Россией во 2-й половине XX века (с переводом избранных фрагментов из воспоминаний генерал-полковника Лю Хуацина) Заметки о военно-техническом сотрудничестве Китая с СССР и Россией во 2-й половине XX века (с переводом избранных фрагментов из воспоминаний генерал-полковника Лю Хуацина)

Goncharov S.

Sketchbook on Military-technical Cooperation between China and the USSR and Russia in the 2nd Half of the 20th Century (with Translation of Selected Fragments from Memoirs by General-colonel Liu Huaqing).

Еditor: Kobzev Artem

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2013, 312 p.

S.N. Goncharov is a highly professional sinologist and outstanding diplomat, eye-witness and participant of many fateful events described in this book. The work is devoted to one of the most significant periods in the history of Russian-Chinese relations. This period is analysed in a very sensible and little-studied aspect of the military-technical cooperation. The author convincingly shows that this cooperation became the basis of modern strategic partnership between two countries. This work includes serious scientific research of the very important geopolitical events, personal impressions and appraisals, and translation of key fragments from the memoirs of the central figure in these events from Chinese side. The edition is prepared for the 20th anniversary of the military-technical cooperation between Russia and China.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Заметки о военно-техническом сотрудничестве Китая с СССР и Россией во 2-й половине XX века (с переводом избранных фрагментов из воспоминаний генерал-полковника Лю Хуацина)