
Памятники Кангурттута в Юго-Западном Таджикистане (эпоха неолита и бронзовый век) Памятники Кангурттута в Юго-Западном Таджикистане (эпоха неолита и бронзовый век)

Vinogradova N., Ranov V., Filimonova T.

The Monuments of Kangurttut in South-Western Tajikistan (Late Stone and Bronze Ages)

Еditor: Boris Litvinskij

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 472 p.

The book consists of two independent parts. The first one is written by a world-wide famous archaeologist V.A. Ranov and his pupil T.G. Filimonova. They researched the most ancient strata of Hissar Neolithic culture of Kangurttut monument, at the place where in the Late Bronze Age agricultural settlement and burial ground of Sapalline culture had existed (excavations of N.M. Vinogradova). The authors pay a lot of attention to the problem of time correlation between Hissar Neolithic and Sapalline cultures: is there a chronological gap of several thousand years or the Hissar people lived up to the Late Bronze Age? The researchers express various opinions and arguments concerning this issue.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Памятники Кангурттута в Юго-Западном Таджикистане (эпоха неолита и бронзовый век)