
Newsletter of Oriental Society. Supplement 5. Partici-pation of Orientalists in Project “Por-Bazhyn Fortress”

General Editor: Vasilyev Dmitri

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 76 p.

The book contains the Report on Archaeological and Ethnographic Investigation of Tere-Holsky Kozhuun of Tyva Republic in July-August 2007 by Orientalist Research Group of “Por-Bazhyn Fortress” Expedition, illustrations, photo-graphs and pictures of inscriptions and rock paintings, infor-mation and sources materials, literature about the investigated subject.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Бюллетень Общества востоковедов. Приложение 5. Участие востоковедов в проекте «Крепость Пор-Бажын»