
История Индийского океана (XVI-XIX вв.) : монография История Индийского океана (XVI-XIX вв.) : монография
История Индийского океана (XVI-XIX вв.) : монография История Индийского океана (XVI-XIX вв.) : монография

Khazanov Anatoliy

History of the Indian Ocean: Monograph

Еditor: Pechishcheva Liudmila

Москва, 2015, 156 p.

The author of this book is a famous Orientologist and Africanist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), full member of the Geographical Society of Lisbon, senior staff scientist of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. His book deals with the history of the Indian Ocean area in the 16th – 19th centuries. The author, based on a wide range of sources, in a vivid and exciting form describes the attempts of the colonial expansion of Portugal, Holland, France and Great Britain in the Indian Ocean area. One of the chapters is especially devoted to hundred-spired hydra of piracy that was the “plague” of the Indian Ocean in the 17th – 18th centuries. The book is addressed to specialists in the field of international relations, history and geopolitics.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: История Индийского океана (XVI-XIX вв.) : монография