
Курдский национализм : история и современность Курдский национализм : история и современность
Курдский национализм : история и современность Курдский национализм : история и современность

Vertyaev K., Ivanov Stanislav

Kurdish Nationalism : History and Modernity

Москва, 2015, 352 p.

The monograph considers the problems of Kurdish nationalism formation as ideological and political trend in the Middle East, as well as its role in updating of ethno political conflicts in the states of compact habitation of the Kurds. The period of Kurdish ethnic particularism origin in Ottoman Empire is analysed; its structure and main political organizations and propagandists are scrutinized too. Special attention is paid to modern state of Kurdish national movement in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. To analyse prospects and forms of the Kurds’ self-identification in the frames of their struggle for national rights the authors use the notion conglomerate Kurdish nationalism. The work is the second monograph of the researchers being a part of the programme of History and Philology Department of RAS “Nation and State in World History”. The book is devoted to the memory of Doctor in History and Professor O.I. Zhigalina (1946 – 2013).

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Курдский национализм : история и современность