
Религия и общество на Востоке. Выпуск II Религия и общество на Востоке. Выпуск II

Religion and Society in the East. Issue II

Editor-in-chief: Sarabyev Alexey

Москва, 2018, 336 p.

The periodical of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

For the full text, see:


Alexey Sarabyev. To readers...6
Thread of Events — Canvas of Ideas
Aleksandr Demchenko. Clans in Gaza Strip Politics...14
Elena Melkumian , Grigoriy Kosach. Gulf Arab Countries: Field of Confrontation with Terror...47
Миняжетдинов И.Х. “Atypical” terrorism in the ethno-confessional conflict in Iraq (on an example of the terrorist attack in Khan Bani Saad)...89
Natalia Berenkova. Shiite Transnational Movements Features in the Middle Eastern Arab Countries...113
Aida Simonia. The Issue of Ethno-Confessional Relations in Burmese Society...136
Vera Karataeva. Chinese Catholics between the Vatican and the Communist Party: A Split Church in the Realm of Unanimity...168
Historic Retrospective
Sergius Kuzmin. Mechanisms of Elimination of Monarchies in the States of Inner Asia in the First Half of the 20th Century...188
Close up
Ekaterina Zavidovskaia. Temple festival in Taiwan: procession devoted to worship of Green mountain ruler Qingshan Wang held in a Taipei temple...246
Ex principiis
Alexey Sarabyev. The Files about the “Unification” of the Churches, 1911-1912: Antioch Trajectory...270
About authors...322

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Религия и общество на Востоке. Выпуск II