
«Путешествие на Запад» китайской женщины, или Феминизм в Китае «Путешествие на Запад» китайской женщины, или Феминизм в Китае
«Путешествие на Запад» китайской женщины, или Феминизм в Китае «Путешествие на Запад» китайской женщины, или Феминизм в Китае

E`l`vira Sineczkaya

«Journey to the West» of a Chinese Woman, or Feminism in China

Ученые записки отдела Китая; вып. 31

Еditor: Yu. My`l`nikova, Orlova Nataliya

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Москва, Санкт-Петербург, 2019, 432 p.

By no means a short history of feminism in China consists of several stages of development that are very uneven in time and intensity. The origin of the “female issue” is primarily associated with the activities of Christian missionaries, and at the beginning of the last century the emancipation of women was stimulated by the Chinese revolutionaries as an important component of the emancipation of the nation. The gender equality enshrined in the Constitution of China, alas, did not, by and large, lead to a serious development of female identity. The new reform period in the country, when, in particular, they tried to solve the most acute unemployment problems by “returning women home,” revealed the complexity of gender relations, and also served as an incentive for the development of both women's studies and the self-awareness and self-organization of Chinese women.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: «Путешествие на Запад» китайской женщины, или Феминизм в Китае