
История экономических процессов в Пакистане (ХХ – начало ХХI в.) История экономических процессов в Пакистане (ХХ – начало ХХI в.)
История экономических процессов в Пакистане (ХХ – начало ХХI в.) История экономических процессов в Пакистане (ХХ – начало ХХI в.)

Kamenev Sergey

История экономических процессов в Пакистане (ХХ – начало ХХI в.)

Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2019, 392 p.

Economic and social development of one of the most populated Asian countries is profoundly analyzed in the book written by the leading economist of the Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, the chief specialist in Pakistan’s economy
S. N. Kamenev (1951–2018). Showing regularities and peculiarities of social and economic evolution of Pakistan during the colonial period the author places special emphasis on the general characteristics of its economy and sectoral structure, demographic problems and labour market, changes in employment and labour migration to foreign countries.
The book is intended for students, postgraduate students, lecturers, researches, journalists, diplomats and for all those who are interested in economic and social problems of Asian and African countries.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: История экономических процессов в Пакистане (ХХ – начало ХХI в.)