
Nugzar Ter-Oganov

The Persian Cossack Brigade : 1879 – 1921

Еditor: Mamedova Nina

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2012, 352 p.

The presented research deals with the political-military aspects of creation and development of the regular force organized by the Russian military officers in Iran in 1879. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Qajar dynasty (1797 – 1925) of Iran undertook several unsuccessful attempts to build a regular army under the guidance and tutelage of professional European military missions. These continuous attempts of military reform reached its peak with the foundation of the Persian Cossack Brigade. Due to the renewal of the Anglo-Russian historical rivalry, which re-emerged in Iran at the very end of the nineteenth century, the Russian leadership took steeps for strengthening the Persian Cossack Brigade as a potential lever for political influence and control. So, the Persian Cossack Brigade served Tsarist Russia and the Qajar dynasty dutifully – particularly in maintaining Russian hegemony vis-à-vis the British in the northern part of Iran. Following the downfall of Tsarist regime in Russia in February 1917, the Russian Provisional Government that came to the power continued the Tsarist policy along the same lines regarding the Persian Cossack Division. Although Russia was Britain’s ally in the war, the re-invigoration of the Cossack Division’s role in Iran during the war was regarded as a real threat to British interests in Iran. But the situation changed dramatically as a result of the October coup d’etat of 1917 in Russia, when the Bolsheviks relinquished the rights over the Persian Cossack Division and demanded its disbandment.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Персидская казачья бригада. 1879 – 1921 гг.