
Арабский мир в потоке событий и времени Арабский мир в потоке событий и времени

Arab World in the Stream of Events and Time

Еditor: Seyranyan Bagrat, Filonik Aleksandr

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2014, 356 p.

The collection of articles researches various aspects of historical and modern development of some countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Certain problems of relevant significance for separate Arab states as well as for their groups and region on the whole are analysed. The themes connected with important events and realities of Arab World which undergoes nowadays accelerated transformation and modernization are revealed. The problems of revolutions and consequences of “Arab spring” for internal political situation and change of power balance in some states, evolution of vision of the future of Arab World and formation of forces alternative to the old ones are considered in the book. The relations between ruling circles and society, religious extremism, and other sides of socio-political development of the region are in the focus too. The investigation of socio-economic processes puts emphasis on the state of reproductive capacity of some countries which are different by their economic development level. The research defines general and special trends in their market formation. Characteristics of their branch potential and growth prospects are also given. The author of the two last articles written in Arabic is Khaidar A.N.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Арабский мир в потоке событий и времени